
Entrepreneur Fair


A suburban New Jersey public library connects entrepreneurs to experts and organizations.

Sensory-Friendly Storytime


An Ohio library's storytime offers educational and social opportunities for children of all ages and abilities.

Teen Drop-In Social Hour


Seattle Public Library provides homeless youth patrons a comfortable space to socialize and access valuable resources.

Library Eats


The South Sioux City (Neb.) Public Library incorporates their cookbook collection into monthly cooking demonstrations.

Local Author Day


"Shop local," "eat local" and, now, "read local" with this event from Princeton (N.J.) Public Library.

Life-Sized Candy Land

magical 3d candy land scene with a gingerbread house and a chocolate river

Did you ever want to climb inside the Candy Land board and travel through the Lollipop Woods, Peppermint Forest and Chocolate Swamp?