Naming and Framing Public Issues (Session 2 of 2)

The ALA Center for Civic Life and the David Mathews Center for Civic Life host a free webinar series to help librarians lead their communities in dealing with challenging public issues.

Apply tools to develop issue maps that help people weigh options for moving forward together around a specific public concern. 

1 hour

Session 2, “Tools for Naming and Framing Public Issues," describes the steps and processes for leading a “naming and framing” effort, and how to apply tools that help people weigh options for moving forward together.

Also see Session 1, "Beyond Deadlock: A Better Way to Talk about Difficult Issues."

  • Carolyn Caywood, ALA Center for Civic Life
  • Chris McCauley, director, David Mathews Center for Civic Life
  • Cristin Foster, program director, David Mathews Center for Civic Life
  • Nancy Kranich, ALA Center for Civic Life
  • Patty Dineen, National Issues Forum (NIF)
  • Robert Turner, David Mathews Center for Civic Life